Art! Cards! Landscapes! Pens!

As you can see, I’ve gone for a snappy title. I’ll work on it.

This weekend I have surprised JG with a trip away. (This post was written in advance and scheduled to go out after the big reveal. It should probably say that hopefully I have surprised JG with a trip away. Whether it is surprising or not is yet to be determined.)

With my new-found skills, I decided to facilitate the unveiling of said surprise through the medium of art. I did one card to represent the surprise activity and another for the surprise accommodation.

This time I used thicker watercolour paper from a fancier sketch book. As ever the colours are Winsor and Newton Promarkers/Brushmarkers and the outlines are Faber-Castell.

I’m pretty pleased with the results. I think I’m developing a personal style when it comes to landscapes. It’s realistic enough for what I’m aiming for but still retains something of the comic style. I was much more comfortable with this scale than the A4 picture I did recently.

There is at least one ‘big’ mistake in each picture that screams at me. If I had the benefit of time (and patience) I’d have done them again, but I don’t. I don’t think they are errors that overtake the pictures, but they bother me because I know they’re there. I’m definitely my biggest critic.

Friends and family, prepare yourselves for what will now become my generic greetings card style. Congratulations.

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